• DoxstarPro is a concentrated formulation controlling allspecies of docks in established grassland.
• DoxstarPro can be used in hay meadows, silage fields andgrazing pastures offering benefits in both yield and forage palatability.
• DoxstarPro is translocated to the roots ensuring high levelsof long-term control.
• Flexibility with rates to meet your demand: full rate of 2.0L/ha or two applications of 1.0 L/ha, one in the autumn with a follow up in thespring.
• Grazing livestock can be returned to the field just 7 daysafter application and will not affect the growth of your grass.
• Apply at optimum stage when actively growing for bestcontrol of docks. If docks are past the optimum spray size, then top and allow2 - 3 weeks re-growth before spraying DoxstarPro.